While former undrafted free agent Shaky Smithson, who s...

While former undrafted free agent Shaky Smithson, who spent the 2011 season on injured reserve, was an excellent returner in college at Utah, Packers special teams coach Shawn Slocum insisted that WR Randall Cobb is such a weapon on returns that will remain in that role no matter how vital he becomes on offense.

“It’s all in the perspective, of how you look at the return game. It is the first play of the offense?” Slocum said. “It’s vitally important to setting up field position, the potential to score, things of that nature. When we start with the ball outside the 20 or an explosive return outside the 40, or punt returns for big gains, it really enhances our offensive production. So I think he’s a vital part of that, and as we move forward, we’ll always consider each players’ role in terms of play time.”

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