Despite possessing the physical skills to succeed as an...

Despite possessing the physical skills to succeed as an NFL quarterback, Zach Mettenberger slid to the sixth round of the draft due to his ACL injury and concerns about lack of production in big games at the college level.

However, he fell to a fairly fortuitous spot with the Tennessee Titans. With often-injured Jake Locker entering a pivotal season and Clipboard Jesus (Charlie Whitehurst) as the only veteran option, Mettenberger could get an opportunity to prove he was worth more than a normal sixth-rounder.

"If I was drafted and (SiriusXM NFL Radio host Mark Brunell) is the vet, I'm coming for his job from day one," Mettenberger said. "That's my attitude. If I don't win the job, I'm pushing, in this scenario, pushing Mark to be the best guy for the job. I'm going to make Jake work that much harder, make Charlie (Whitehurst) work that much harder, 'cause I'm coming every day. And I'm bringing my best effort and my hardest work to the facility every day to show that I shot be the guy playing."

Fantasy Impact: 

Given Locker's injury history, there is a chance Mettenberger could find himself on the field at some point, but heading into the season this looks like it's going to be Locker's job.

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Dec 28, 2024
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