IDP Waiver Wire Pickups For Week 4

Sep 28, 2021
IDP Waiver Wire Pickups For Week 4

This past week, the fantasy football community and the world, lost a fantastic human being, Mike "Tags" Tagliere. I had the pleasure of meeting Mike back in August 2018 during the first annual King's Classic draft at the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Thanks to his signature glasses, smile, and outgoing personality, he was instantly recognizable.

He finished his conversation and I walked up to him and introduced myself and let him know I really enjoyed The Primer and his work. He thanked me and instantly asked me how I was doing and how 4for4 was going. That immediately made an impression on me. Here's a guy who built up a big following and was just interested in what the other person, me in this case, had to say. I didn't go too much into detail, just saying I was happy the football season was upon us. I asked him about his family and if he was hanging out afterward. He said maybe a little, but he needed to get back home to help out his wife and get back with his family.

We talked a little more football and then went to our draft room. We were all having a great time drafting and digging on each other after each pick. His football smarts were off the charts. You could bring up a player and he could just rattle off a number or insight. I remember our 2019 draft where I spent $50 on Nick Chubb and he gave a little crap, but he always could take it and welcomed the trash talk among the group. He was such a great person to be around and he loved his work, and family.

I messaged him before the 2021 King's Classic letting him know I was thinking about him and wishing him good health post-COVID. We just assumed we'd see each other next year at the draft. Don't take anything for granted. Tell your loved ones you love them. Tell someone you inspire them. If there's something you want to achieve, go do it.

Even with my brief interactions at our drafts and in DMs, Mike was a good one. He was always willing to lend a hand and offer advice - even with the limited hours he was working with. Mike, your smile, your passion, and your drive will sorely be missed. Your legacy, however, will not be forgotten and your memories will live on through the thousands of people you touched in this world. My thoughts and prayers are with Tabbie, Alyssa, and Jonathan, the Tagliere family, and the FantasyPros family.


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