Despite the bout of injuries, the Chargers still consid...

Despite the bout of injuries, the Chargers still consider Ryan Mathews capable of handling a heavy workload.

He has the build at 6-foot, 218 pounds -- not exactly Dexter McCluster or Tatum Bell out there. Think it's easy to make a judgment on Mathews' ability to stay healthy, but for some historical context, Ricky Williams missed 10 games his first two seasons. He played a full 16-game schedule over his next three and ended his career with four years without a missed game.

Not saying a turnaround is guaranteed, but it's early. The book on Mathews' durability isn't written yet. It is off to a poor start.

Fantasy Impact: 

Mathews is still battling to get ready for the opener. Meanwhile, his stock has dropped - and for good reason, injuries are a concern. However, since the broken clavicle, Mathews draft stock has plummeted to the late 2nd/early 3rd round. He's now a value on a points per game basis. The question is, can you live with the risk and possibility he wont be ready for Week 1.

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